Thursday, January 12, 2012

Your Plate Should Be 1/2 Vegetables

Every one of my patients has probably seen this image. I draw it on their treatment plan to remind them to focus on eating vegetables. It's very gratifying to see this image mirrored on the Harvard School of Public Health website. HSPH recently rolled out guidelines for what they are calling "the new nutrition." Their recommendations are based on reviews of the scientific evidence and are a compelling validation of the dietary advise naturopathic physicians have been espousing for years. Look for Harvard Medical School Healthy Eating: A guide to the new nutrition by Teresa Fung for the complete list of recommendations.

When I draw it on their treatment plans, my patients' responses range from incredulous to outright denial. So I decided to share a few examples of how I accomplish this at home. In the coming year, I'll be adding photographs of actual meals that I make and eat to show you how I incorporate 1/2 vegetables into my diet. This photo shows a quick and easy lunch we prepared this week that meets the 1/2 vegetable rule.

Lunch consisted of:

Take away the chicken salad on toast and the rest of the meal is raw, vegan/vegetarian, gluten free and represents 4 different types of fruits and vegetables and approximately 3-4 servings. You could substitute a small serving of any combination of beans and rice or add a bean burger patty on toast to keep it vegetarian. Are you eating 1/2 vegetables? Want to share some of your ideas or meals? Add them to the comment section below!

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